AEG and The LA Kings Adopt 42 Los Angeles Families in Need for Holiday Season
Families were selected in conjunction with Los Angeles nonprofit organizations including All Peoples Community Center, Al Wooten Jr. Heritage Center, Boys & Girls Club of Venice, CARECEN, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, East LA YMCA, Heart of Los Angeles (HOLA), Jenesse Center, Little Tokyo Service Center and St. Francis Center
This Season of Giving, AEG employees and the LA Kings adopted 42 Los Angeles families in partnership with various nonprofit organizations’ Adopt-A-Family Program. Throughout the month of December, employees from AEG’s various business divisions purchased and personally delivered gifts, clothing and necessities to families in need across the city to help make the holiday’s a little brighter.
Additionally, the LA Kings hosted their adopted families in a festive suite at Crypto.com Arena (formerly STAPLES Center) for an LA Kings game on Dec. 11., filled with Holiday gifts purchased by players, coaches and broadcasters. The LA Kings Mascot Bailey and the Ice Crew were on hand to open presents with the families during the game.
“There is always that family that you wish you could do more for, who has a great need," said Naomi McSwain, executive director, Al Wooten Jr. Youth Center. "We were very pleased to be contacted by AEG with the chance to do this. The smiles on the kids' faces let you know how the gifts impacted them and for that we're grateful."
The families were selected by the All Peoples Community Center, Al Wooten Jr. Heritage Center, Boys & Girls Club of Venice, CARECEN, Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA), East LA YMCA, Heart of Los Angeles (HOLA), Jenesse Center, Little Tokyo Service Center and St. Francis Center.
“My husband, Matt (Roy), and I were so thankful to be able to participate in Adopt-A-Family Program with CHLA this year," said Linsey Roy, wife of LA Kings defenseman Matt Roy. "It’s such a special holiday tradition to bring joy and relief to families, particularly those who are fighting and managing difficult health conditions. Hopefully, these gifts can bring some smiles and lessen the stress of the holidays for these families.”
The LA Kings have adopted families through various organizations, including CHLA for the past 15 years, beginning in 2006.