Corporate Giving Guidelines

Information and Guidelines

Primary areas of focus

Education (grades K-12)

The Arts

Health & Wellness

Community Ticket Program

Available tickets donated by season ticket holders and event promoters for select events at Arena and Microsoft Theater

Eligible 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations in Los Angeles County

Email a formal letter requesting to be placed on the program list to

Distribution of tickets is based on availability

In-Kind Support

Requests for in-kind support of your nonprofit organization can be made by submitting a formal letter via email to

Fundraiser Sponsorship

AEG receives an extraordinary number of requests for support around the world, numbering many more than it can accommodate. These guidelines are designed to assist organizations in understanding the company’s charitable priorities. However, the company reserves the right to make all determinations regarding the organizations and programs to which it will provide support. When a request is denied, it does not imply that the applicant’s organization or program is not vital or valued. It may be that the request does not fall within these guidelines or focus areas, or that available funds for the relevant period have been committed to other worthy organizations.

AEG cannot accommodate every request, and accordingly, it is inevitable that even requests that are consistent with our guidelines will not be granted. Generally, the company does not consider unsolicited requests for financial support.

These guidelines may be modified at any time without notice. The company reserves the right to change, suspend, revoke or terminate its charitable giving at any time, and to deviate from these guidelines at its own discretion.

Organization Requirements

AEG only considers organizations meeting the following eligibility criteria:

  1. Organizations based in the United States must be verifiable through Guide Star, the IRS and provide nonprofit articles of incorporation;
  2. Organizations must represent that they operate within the parameters of all applicable laws, including the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the U.S. Patriot Act and all applicable laws;
  3. Organizations must show that they make their programs available to all regardless of race, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious belief, or nationality.
Corporate Giving Guidelines

Please email us to learn more