Education and Communication

Education and Communication
We are in the business of bringing people together, whether it’s at a local music club, sports arena, stadium, entertainment district or multi-day music festival. Our venues and events are part of the local community and no matter where we operate, we are committed to making our mark on the communities we serve. By actively promoting sustainability at our events and through our online assets, we are uniquely positioned to raise awareness about pressing environmental issues and to connect people around a single purpose.
Change happens on a local level and we all have a role to play when it comes to environmental sustainability. We encourage our employees to actively participate in our initiatives and constantly seek ways to inform our guests that attend our events how they can do their part. Our program is designed to encourage the sharing of best practices in order to forge a more sustainable future. We seek feedback from our customers, partners, vendors and employees because we believe that through consistent and robust dialogue, we can work together to improve the health of the planet.